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Donegal-Derry cancer unit "on track" 01.07.09

DONEGAL cancer group Co-operating for Cancer Care NorthWest, CCC(NW) are to meet Professor Tom Keane after Health Minister Mary Harney offered to facilitate the visit. The offer came during an "indepth" one and a half hour meeting with Ms Harney in Dublin on Monday.
Group spokesperson Noelle Duddy said the Ms Harney, recognised the relevance of their detailed questions and agreed to facilitate the meeting between the group and Prof Keane, director of the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP). They hope to "further flesh out our concerns, ideas and potential solutions", said Ms Duddy.
"We very much welcome this. It was a positive meeting. The Minister confirmed that her department has offered the Northern health authorities and Minister McGimpsey, the guarantee of capital funding towards the construction of a satellite radiation unit in Altnagelvin and the guaranteed funding for Donegal patients requiring radiation therapy.
Ms Duddy revealed that senior civil servants met in Altnagelvin last week and Mary Jackson, principle officer for the Department's cancer unit reported back that developments were on track with "the business plan coming to completion in the coming weeks".
The unit is expected to be operational by 2014/15. Cross border health professional teams are meeting on a regular basis to discuss how best to develop clinical pathways, added Ms Duddy.
"CCC(NW) stressed that for a true partnership to develop between the two hospitals clinics, multidisciplinary meetings, etc would also have to be provided on both hospital sites. The minister agreed and stated that all this ground work was afoot.”
Meanwhile, Ms Harney confirmed that women in the last three counties in the HSE West Region waiting to receive BreastCheck would soon be in receipt of letters asking them to consent to breast screening. This process will commence this summer with Clare in July, Donegal in September and finally Leitrim in October.
Other issues discussed at the meeting included urgent reforms of transport for patients travelling for treatment; prostate cancer rapid access clinics and impact for Donegal men; extending BreastCheck and access to palliative radiation treatment. Development of lymphodema services; funding for bowel screening; the two tier health system – public/private divide and cross border research into exploring the potential of cross border hospital services were also discussed.
Please note that CCC(NW) hold a public meeting on Wednesday, July 8 at 8.00pm in the Milford Inn, Milford. Everyone welcome.
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