Maritime Museum manager Gemma Havlin, chairperson Seamus Bovaird and Irish Skipper journal managing director Hugh Bonner.
Derry harbour master Bill McCann chats with Moville estate agent Leo McCauley at the launch of the 'Irish Skipper Archive'.
Andrew Ward, left, and Mura MacLochlainn.
From left, Mona Bonner, James Bonner and Pauline Sweeney.
Artist Tim Stampton chats with local historian Sean Beattie at the launch of the 'Irish Skipper Archive' in Greencastle.
Professor Paul McKevitt from the University of Ulster, left, and Dr Damien McKeever.
Marian McDonald, left and Ann Hayden enjoy the launch.
From left, Irish Skipper journal founder Arthur Reynolds, current Irish Skipper journal managing director Hugh Bonner and editor Jim Mason.